Monday, September 29, 2008

Cheese Puff

Sweet Jesus, I am tired. Today was my first day at my new job, and the main thought running through my head was "I seriously have to repeat this four more times this week?" It was eight and a half hours of peeling pears, chocolate mousses, lemon meringue tarts and pots of lavender cream. I love what I do, but it was a lot to take in. The chaos that is not knowing where anything is, who anyone is, and what the hell you are suppose to be doing, sucks. By the time I took off my apron and jacket, and sat in my car, all I could feel was tired, and content. That weird hovering in my heart telling me that I had once again made it through to the other side.

As I walked home this evening with Koda, I couldn't help but look up into the clear, blue, Redwood City sky and feel good about being where I am. Between the coconut shrimp I had for dinner, and sitting in a self-induced haze in the backyard, I am content with the state of my life. Well, as long as I don't start to think too much.

I am about to pass-out now, and could so go for a good snuggle. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will hold. Possibly Oreo cheesecake-bites, cheese puffs, and hopefully no more chocolate mousse.

I really hope you didn't expect me to proof read, I already have a day job.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Boob Tube

It's taken me a little while to get to this second post, but seeing as no one is reading yet, I'm taking my time. Plus, I haven't done much other then sleep, get ice tea at Starbucks, and attend to useless errands, eat amazing foods from different lands, and watching TV until my brain begins to hum. That all ends today though, or well, next Monday, because I got a job today! Yes, after over two months of unemployment, I am finally about to earn some money, and have something to do with my time other then CSI re-runs.

Even now as I type this I am watching Dancing With The Stars. I have to tell you, these Jonas Brothers kids are ADORABLE. Sorry, but it's true. That song they sing, I don't know its name, but it's catchy. And they have curly hair and neckerchiefs. I just wonder why all the dancers on the show are so fucking tan? It's like an hour long commercial for skin cancer.

I am just waiting for Project Runway to start, followed by the Season Premiere of Lipstick Jungle. I haven't had access to American TV for a very long time now, and am so taking advantage of all the Fall previews. The new season of The Office is starting this week, along with a bunch of new pilots. For the last couple of weeks I have refused to even go out later then nine o'clock on certain nights. I am so dedicated that I refuse to do ANYTHING or even talk, Monday nights between eight and nine o'clock, when Gossip Girl is on. Nothing gets between me and Blair.

Oh, you know what just came on? A commercial for Advil, with the mom from Boy Meets World hawking the mild pain reliever. That's just depressing some how. My sister, Dede, and I use to watch Boy Meets World every Friday night. I had the biggest crush on Ryder Strong, but see now that Ben Savage was way cuter. It's just sad that woman's career didn't go anywhere.

Ok, it's time for Project Runway, and I am so rooting for Jerell or Leanne.

Friday, September 19, 2008


So here we are at my new blog, Cake and Commies. Welcome, welcome, it's nice to have a forum. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. Boring story short: I just felt too held down by the last blog and figured that a blank canvas was necessary. My main purpose with this new blog is to chart my transition from Europe to being back in suburban America. In case you are just joining me, I have been living in Switzerland for the last five years and have just moved back in with my parents (as awesome as it sounds), and am more or less trying to find my way back into the heart of California, after being away for so long.

That's my introduction, a tad lame, but I really hate introductions. Trying to impress someone into wanting to read your rambling mind-vomit is not that easy, so yeah, don't judge just yet. Plus, I got some fried chicken in the oven and I don't want it to burn.

Welcome to my insanity.